Todd's Results Chart and BlackBerry 2008
Learn the purpose behind the chart and the Blackberry.


Ah-Ha! Moment – "If you are talking with employees about the details of their work on a regular basis, then talking about small problems – whatever they may be – should be something you do as a matter of course. ... Zeroing in on small problems is about constant improvement. In the course of regular guidance and direction, addressing one small problem after another is what ongoing continuous improvement actually looks like. ... 'Revise and adjust. Practice and fine-tune.' That is the mantra of continuous improvement."

– Bruce Tulgan, It's Okay to Be the Boss, pages 127 and 128.


Latest Todd's Results

Read about Todd's last accountability check-in and what he learned from the 6 year program.

About Todd's Results

This monthly series is Todd's continuing journey of "Intentional Reality" through the process of personal accountability. What's at stake? Todd's BlackBerry.

Check back each month to find out if Todd met his accountability goals or if he had to give up his BlackBerry.
