Todd Herman & Associates, PA respects your privacy. We are providing this privacy policy to help you understand what data we collect from our site visitors, how it is used, how it is protected, and how it can be removed from our database.

Data We Collect

Visitors to our Website have the option to receive information from our company by voluntarily completing online forms. Information collected may include first and last name, e-mail address, company name, other contact information, and requests for information about specific services. Other information we gather from site visitors includes IP addresses, browser types, and general anonymous technical data. E-mail transmissions we send to users who opt-in to our subscriptions may include tracking components to determine reader interest.How We Use Visitor DataOur primary goal with collecting personal data via our forms is to provide visitors with services and information specific to their interests. From time to time, we may use data collected, either individually or aggregately, to determine how to make our Website more useful for visitors and to provide information directly to users via e-mail regarding our services.

How We Protect Visitor Data

Personal data submitted via these forms is kept in a secure database accessible only by authorized personnel at our company. We do not sell or share any personal or corporate information collected on our Website with third party companies, including marketers, research companies, and non-profit organizations.

Opt-Out/Removal Policy

Visitors who provide personal information have the option of modifying that data. Each e-Update newsletter transmitted has an "opt-out" link to allow the user to no longer receive our newsletters. Subscribers who have questions or who wish to have their data removed from our database are encouraged to contact us by telephone at 336.297.4200 or writing to us at Todd Herman & Associates, PA, 604 Green Valley Road, Suite 303, Greensboro, NC 27408.