Todd's Results Chart and BlackBerry 2008
Learn the purpose behind the chart and the Blackberry.


Ah-Ha! Moment – "If you find yourself needing to get rid of an employee but stuck in one of these situations [where it is almost impossible to fire someone], what do you do? Pressure. Keeping up the intensity of your hands-on management and shining a bright light on their performance will usually be enough pressure to cause stubborn low performers to want to escape. ... Low performers don't like to be managed closely. They don't like scrutiny and don't like to incur consequences for their low performance. So manage that low performer very, very closely. Do everything in your power to impose consequences, however slight, for the person's low performance, every step of the way."

– Bruce Tulgan, It's Okay to Be the Boss, page 141.


Latest Todd's Results

Read about Todd's last accountability check-in and what he learned from the 6 year program.

About Todd's Results

This monthly series is Todd's continuing journey of "Intentional Reality" through the process of personal accountability. What's at stake? Todd's BlackBerry.

Check back each month to find out if Todd met his accountability goals or if he had to give up his BlackBerry.
